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What is a CPU? What are the used of CPU? : -

What is a CPU? What are the used of CPU? : - 

CPU is also called microprocessor, it is the main part of the computer. All the instructions specified by the user are processed in the microprocessor itself, the processor has three main sections, CU-control unit, ALU- Arithmetic and Logical unit, and MU – Memory Unit. The control unit controls the whole process and based on the given instructions, distributes the work to the ALU or MU, then forwards the result given by them. It is also called the brain of the computer. Their efficiency is measured in kilohertz, megahertz and gigahertz etc.

What is CPU usage? Which is the best CPU? Intel cpu - what is amd cpu like? : - 

Processor performance is measured on a bit-by-bit basis, such as 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit, and 64-bit. Each bit has two values ​​(00 or 01 or 10 or 11) thus a total of up to 232 values ​​in 32-bit. 32-bit processors are capable of working with a total of up to 232 data at a time. The more bits in a processor, the more effective will be their ability and accuracy. 32-bit processors can work only on operating systems and applications up to 32-bit and less capacity 32-bit processors 64-bit operating capacity Cannot work on system and application. Whereas a 64-bit processor can work on operating systems and applications up to 32-bit and less capacity.

There are mainly two companies that make CPU : - 


2. AMD

Following are some of the main CPUs of Intel and AMD company  : -


2. AMD

Friends, the CPUs that used to come in the market earlier used to have pins, but nowadays they come without pins, many times it is also seen that the CPU is fixed inside the motherboard, which we cannot even remove, any one of the motherboard or CPU. If it goes bad then both the motherboard and the cpu have to be changed.

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