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What is a transistor? What are the types of transistors?

What is a transistor?  What are the types of transistors?  : -

What is a transistor?  What are the types of transistors?  : -

Come on friends, today we will know what is a Transistor?
How to make a transistor  N-P-N
What is the difference between a transistor and a P-N-P transistor?
How to check transistor with multimeter.
Let's know about all of them, so let's start.

 Transistor  : -

Inside the transistor is a mixture of diodes. 
The transistor is an electronic device.
There are terminals and transistor is a semiconductor device. 
These are semiconductors of type P and N Is made through which change the application weak signals and electronic
The signal is used to fire ampli.

 Transistor Revolution  : -

 So the arrival of the transistor has brought a huge revolution in the electronic field.
 I have a very small and simple electronic component but the transistor
 Use is being taken on a very large scale nowadays, if there is no transistor then nowadays
 Which we all cannot achieve so much speed inside computer or mobile as today
 In the time when we are getting people, it means to say that in today's time the transistor
 The usage has started so much that we can build any electronic circuit without it
 Can not even imagine.

 Use of transistors to properly perform many functions inside any circuit
 Is done but the transistor is used most for the application i.e.
 Transistors are used to amplify any signal i.e. used

 How to make a transistor  : -

Transistors are made of semiconductor materials consisting of silicon and germanium Is mainly made by preparing the transistor has mainly three ends. There are many types of transistors called emitters, which have different circuits in their Used according to work.

 Type of Transistors  : -

 What are the types of transistors -
 There are two types of transistors -
1. N-P-N transistors
2. P-N-P transistors

1. NPN Transistors  : -

 NPN transistor → N type on either side of P type crystal in such transistor
 Crystals are made by joining, thus if the P end of a transistor is in the middle N end
 If it is back and forth, it is called NPN Transistor.

 2. PNP Transistor  : -

 PNP transistors → In such transistors P type P on either side of N type crystal
 Crystals are made by joining, thus if the N end of a transistor is in the middle P end
 If it is further back then it is called PNP Transistor.

So as you all have read about Transistor and seen in the picture that Transistor Kis type Works and how is it made you all read above To make a transistor, we are made by mixing N type and P type material.But if you know about the diode, then you must also know that in making the diode, P Type and N type materials are used, so we connect two diodes together
 Even if a transistor becomes, for this, we should have complete information about the diode.

 How to check transistor with multimeter  : -

 Transistor It is quite easy to check transistor with multimeter, for this we need multimeter
 Both probes have to be fitted at any two ends of the transistor if we take the multimeter red probe.If we place it at the middle end of the transistor, then keep the black probe of the multimeter transistor. If we put multimeter on both ends Shortcode tells us then we put the black probe of the multimeter on the middle end of the transistor. If you check it, you should tell if the transistor is right and it is the NPN transistor In this way, we can find out from the multimeter whether the transistor is PNP or NPN Like we can also check NPN Transistor.

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